Presenter; Mandatory Clinic for Pop Warner Football Coaches, "Identifying and Addressing Bullying and Harassment in Pop Warner Football," Hockomock Pop Warner Football League, Taunton, MA; July 26, 2012.
Plenary Session Presenter for MA state court judges, court magistrates and clerks,“Implicit Bias and Unconscious Stereotypes: Barriers to Equal Justice, Real and Perceived,” Joint Fall Conference of the Housing and Land Court Departments of the Trial Court, at the Trial Court Learning Center, Worcester, MA; November 29, 2016.
Session Presenter: "A Brief Primer on Students' First Amendment and Speech Rights in the Current Political Climate," 2019 Summer Institute, Massachusetts School Administrators' Association, Hyannis, MA; July 24, 2019
Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate," Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; November 6, 2018.
Workshop Instructor, "Legally Perilous Practices to Addressing Bullying, Bias-Based Harassment and First Amendment Rights," Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; October 4, 2018.
Workshop Instructor, "Legally Perilous Practices in Addressing Bullying, Bias-Based Harassment and Students' First Amendment Rights," Pre-Conference Workshop, 2018 Summer Institute, Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA; July 24, 2018.
Presenter: "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in the Current Political Climate;" New England Regional Conference: Emerging Best Practices: Preventing and Addressing Bias-Based Incidents in Schools; sponsored by the Boston Public Schools; Boston/Dedham Hilton; April 26, 2018.
Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate," Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; October 16, 2017.
Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate," Pre-Conference Workshop, 2017 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA; July 25, 2017.
Legal Panel Moderator, "Current and Emerging Individual Rights Issues Regarding Occupy Boston;" Open Meeting Program, sponsored by Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section, Massachusetts Bar Association; Boston, MA; November 16, 2011.
Course Instructor, Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies; Summer Institute Series 2011, "Meeting the Challenge of Making Schools Safe: Successfully Combating Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace;" for re-licensure, satisfying credit requirments and for addressing teaching and school administration challenges; Boston, MA; July 18-22, 2011.
Course Instructor, Northeastern University, School of Education; "Making Schools Safe: Addressing Harassment, Bullying, and Hate Crimes in Schools and Cyberspace;" Summer Institute Series, Institute for Professional Development & Graduate Studies in Education; for re-licensure and satisfying credit requirments; Boston MA; July 14-18, 2008.
Forum Guest Lecturer, "Harassment, Bullying, and Hate Crimes in Schools: What Educators Should Know;" Lesley University; Cambridge, MA; September 26, 2007.
Guest Lecturer, "Youth and Violence;" Cambridge College’s National Institute for Teaching Excellence; Milton, MA; July 25, 2007.
Guest Lecturer, "Youth and Violence;" Cambridge College’s National Institute for Teaching Excellence; Augusta, GA; July 20, 2007.
Presenter, National Teleconference on “Effective Racial Harassment Remedies;” to Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education's "Racial Harassment Network," including staff in National Office and all Regional Offices; May 19, 2011 and November 17, 2011. On 12/13/11, OCR presented Cole with "Certificate of Appreciation" for OCR presentations on 5/19/11 and 11/17/11.
Panel Presenter, "Exploring Strategies for Preventing and Responding to Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes Based on Gender and Gender Stereotyping;" The 6th Annual Intern Summit;U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights; Boston, MA; July 30, 2008.
Trainer, "Comprehensive Approach in Addressing Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools;" for Atlanta Regional OCR Staff, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Atlanta, Georgia; February 21, 2001.
Trainer, "Implementing a Comprehensive Approach in Addressing Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools:" for New England Region OCR Staff, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education; Boston, MA; January 30, 2001.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in
Schools;" U.S. Regional Education Conference, Educational Development
Center, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Education, Austin, Texas; May 5-6, 1999.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in
Schools;" Title IX Conference; Office for Civil
Rights, U.S. Department of Education; Northeastern University, Boston, MA; April 26,
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in
Schools;" U.S. Regional Education Conference; Educational Development
Center, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Education; Phoenix, Arizona; September 24-25, 1998.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in
Schools;" U.S. Regional Education Conference; Educational Development
Center, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Education; Miami, Florida; December 9-10, 1997.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection
Program in Schools; U.S. Regional Education Conference;
Educational Development Center, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Education; Charleston, West Virgiania; September 22-23, 1997.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in
Schools; U.S. Regional Education Conference, Educational Development
Center, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Education; Chicago, Illinois; July 11-12, 1997.
Workshop Presenter, "Addressing Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools;" National Conference, U.S.
Department of Education; Arlington, Virginia; May 17, 1997.
Instructor, "Effectively
Investigating Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying;" Massachusetts School Adminstrators' Association;
Franklin, MA; Nov. 6, 2019
Session Presenter: "A Brief Primer on Students' First Amendment and Speech Rights in the Current Political Climate;" 2019 Summer Institute, Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA; July 24, 2019
Workshop Instructor, "Assessing Your School's
Capacity for Successfully Building a Safe, Inclusive and Equitable School Community with
Empowered Adult and Student Leadership;" Pre-Conference Workshop, 2019 Summer Institute,
Massachusetts School Adminstrators' Association; Hyannis,
MA; July 23, 2019.
Workshop Instructor, "The Role of Social Media in K-12
Schools; Responding to Cyberbullying and Cyber-Harassment;" Massachusetts School Administrators' Association;
Franklin, MA; March 13, 2019.
Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and
Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate;" Massachusetts School Administrators' Association;
Franklin, MA; Novermber 6, 2018.
Workshop Instructor, "Legally Perilous Practices to
Addressing Bullying, Bias-Based Harassment and First Amendment
Rights;" Massachusetts School
Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; October 4, 2018.
Session Presenter, "Promoting Student Leadership
to Combat Bias and Hate in Schools," Conference Session, 2018 Summer Institute,
Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Hyannis,
MA; July 25, 2018.
Workshop Instructor, "Legally Perilous Practices
in Addressing Bullying, Bias-Based Harassment and Students' First Amendment
Rights," Pre-Conference Workshop, 2018 Summer Institute,
Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA; July 24, 2018.
Program Moderator, "Addressing Identity-Based
Harassment in K-12 Schools;" interactive panel of expert
practitioners; sponsored by Civil Rights and Social Justice Section Council,
Massachusetts Bar Assocation; Boston, MA; January 11, 2018.
Instructor, "Building
Positive Race and Ethnic Relations in Diverse Schools and Schools with Changing
Demographics;" Massachusetts School Administrators' Association;
Franklin, MA; December 5, 2017.
Participant, Exploratory Seminar, "From
Social Science to a New Legal Strategy for K-12 Integration;" for
select attorneys and social scientists from throughout U.S., to develop new ideas
and scholarly research on K-12 school integration; Radcliffe Institute for
Advanced Study, Academic Ventures Program, Harvard University; Cambridge, MA; October 22-24, 2017.
Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate;" Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; October 16, 2017.
Session Presenter, "Promoting Student Leadership to Combat Bias and Hate in
Schools;" Conference Session, 2017 Summer Institute,
Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis,
MA; July 26, 2017.
Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate;" Pre-Conference Workshop, 2017 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA; July 25, 2017.
Workshop Instructor,“Effective Response and Remedies to Bullying and Discriminatory Harassment; Addressing Disciplinary Hearing Challenges; Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Franklin, MA; March 9, 2017.
Workshop Instructor, "Building Positive Race and Ethnic Relations in Diverse Schools and Schools with Changing Demographics;” Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Franklin, MA; October 18, 2016.
Session Presenter,“Legally Perilous Practices to Avoid When Addressing Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying;” 2016 MSSAA Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Hyannis, MA; July 27, 2016.
Workshop Trainer, 2016 MSSAA Summer Institute,
"Investigating Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying; Meeting the Challenge of Disciplinary Hearings and Processes;" Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Hyannis, MA; July 26, 2016.
Workshop Instructor, "Addressing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assaults of K-12 Students: What's Legally Required, What Works in Schools;" Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Franklin, MA; March 19, 2016.
Workshop Instructor, "The Role of Special Education Teams and Schools When a Student with Disabilities is a Victim or Perpetrator of Bullying or Harassment; Meeting the Legal Requirements for Responding;" Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Franklin, MA; December 8, 2015.
Featured Speaker, Safe Schools Summit: "Addressing Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assaults in K-12 Schools;" and "Complying with Civil Rights Laws When Applying Student Discipline Under DESE Regulations;" Office of Worcester District Attorney Early; Worcester Technical HS, Worcester, MA; October 1, 2015.
Workshop Instructor, "Skills and Strategies for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Bullying and Discriminatory Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace;" MA Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Franklin, MA; September 29, 2015.
Program Chair and Presenter, "Addressing Sexual Assault Allegations in K-12 Schools, Colleges and Universities;" sponsored by the Massachusetts Bar Association and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts; North Adams, MA; September 24, 2015.
Workshop Instructor, "Complying With Federal Civil Rights Laws When Applying Student Disciplinary Procedures Under DESE's Disciplinary Regulations Under Chapter 222;" Summer Institute 2015, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Hyannis, MA; July 29, 2015.
Workshop Instructor, "Skills and Strategies for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace;"
Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Franklin, MA; March 11, 2015.
Program Chair, "Addressing Sexual Assault Allegations in K-12 Schools, Colleges and Universities: What's Legally Required, Key Challenges; Best Practices;" Massachusetts Bar Association; Boston, MA; December 10, 2014.
Workshop Instructor, "The Role of Special Education Teams and Schools When a Student with Disabilities is a Victim or Perpetrator of Bullying or Harassment: Meeting the Legal Requirements for Responding;" Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association; Franklin, MA; December 2, 2014.
Workshop Instructor, "Understanding and Addressing Sexual Violence and Gender Discrimination: What's Legally Required? What Works?"; Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association, Franklin, MA; October 15, 2014.
Workshop Instructor, "Bullying and Harassment Remedies and Response:What's Legally Required?What Works?";
Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; March 10, 2014.
Workshop Instructor, "The Role of Special Education Teams and Schools When a Student with Disabilities is a Victim or Perpetrator of Bullying or Harassment: Meeting the Legal Requirements for Responding;" co-sponsored by Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association and Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education (ASE); Franklin, MA; December 11, 2013.
Conference Presenter, 2013 NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE ON BULLYING: Keys for Success Regarding Current Legal and Best Practice Issues in School Climate & Learning: Presenter Session I: "Ten Keys for Success in Preventing Bullying and Discriminatory Harassment and Promoting a Positive School Climate;" Presenter Session III: "Creating an Effective System for Triaging Disciplinary Referrals and Incident Reports for Bullying or Discriminatory Harassment that Meets Legal Requirements;" Presenter Session IV: "Legally Perilous Practices to Avoid in Investigating Bullying and Discriminatory Harassment;" Conference co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Bar Association and School Climate Consulting Services, LLC; Lesley University; October 25, 2013.
Workshop Instructor, "Skills and Strategies for Sucessfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace;" Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; October 23, 2013.
Presenter, 2013 Summer Institute Workshop, “Ten Keys for Success in Preventing Bullying and Harassment and in Promoting a Positive School Climate;” Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association Conference; Falmouth, MA; July 24, 2013.
Workshop Trainer,"The Role of Special Education Teams and Schools When a Student With Disabilities is a Victim or Perpetrator of Bullying or Harassment: Meeting the Legal Requirements for Responding;" MA Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; March 13, 2013.
Workshop Instructor, "Bullying and Harassment Remedies and Response: What's Legally Required? What Works?"; Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; December 5, 2012.
Speaker, "Protecting Chlildren with Disabilities from Bullying and Harassment in Schools: What Parents Need to Know to Advocate for their Children;" Special Education Parent Advisory Council, Groton-Dunstable Regional School District; Groton-Dunstable High School; November 13, 2012.
Session Presenter, "School Best Practices: Prevention and Actions," for Session Program; "School Bullying and Harassment: A Legal Primer;" sponsored by NBI-National Business Institute; Boston, MA; November 8, 2012.
Workshop Session,“Legally Perilous Practices to Avoid in Investigating and Responding to Bullying and Discriminatory Harassment;” 2012 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Falmouth, MA; July 25, 2012.
Instructor, Investigations Workshop, "Skills and Strategies for Successfuly Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace;" Pre-Conference Session, 2012 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Falmouth, MA; July 24, 2012.
Conference Presenter, "Investigating Bullying and Harassment; What's Legally Required; What Works!"
The 2012 Massachusetts Conference on Bullying and the Law: Policies, Programs and Best Practices, sponsored by the Massachusetts Commission on GBLT Youth and Schools, Massachusetts Bar Association & Climate Consulting Services; Harvard Law School; Cambridge, MA; March 16, 2012.
Workshop Instructor,"Combating Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace: What's Legally Required; What Works;" Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; December 14, 2011.
Workshop Instructor, School & Police Workshop: “Practical Tips and Legal Rules for Investigating and Responding to Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace;”
Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; November 17, 2011.
Co-presenter, National Teleconference on “Effective Racial Harassment Remedies;” presentation to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education's "Racial Harassment Network," including staff in its National Office and all its Regional Offices; November 17, 2011. On 12/13/11, OCR presented Cole with "Certificate of Appreciation" for his OCR presentations on 11/17/11 and 5/19/11.
Workshop Presenter, "Investigating Bullying and Harassment: What’s Legally Required; What Works;" MASC/MASS Joint Conference: Massachusetts Association of School Committees and Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents; Hyannis, MA; November 11, 2011.
Workshop Instructor, School & Police Workshop: “Practical Tips and Legal Rules for Investigating and Responding to Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace;”
sponsored by the Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; November 8, 2011.
Workshop Instructor, "Improving Your Skills for Investigating Bullying and Harassment and for Writing an Effective Investigative Report;" Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; October 26, 2011.
Keynote Speaker, "The Ten Keys to Successful School Practices Under Bullying and Harassment Laws;" The 4th Annual Safe Schools Summit: Real Issues-Real Solutions for Keeping Kids Safe; sponsored by Worcester District Attorney Early's Office, Molly Bish Center and Worcester Sheriff's Office; Worcester Technical High School, Worcester, MA; September 28, 2011.
Workshop Presenter, "Addressing the Bullying and Harassment of Students with
Disabilities: What's Legally Required; What Works;" Annual Professional Development Conference, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Falmouth, MA; July 27, 2011.
Instructor, Investigations Workshop, "Skills and Strategies for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying;" Pre-Conference Session, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Falmouth, MA; July 26, 2011.
Instructor for Education Course, Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies, "Meeting the Challenge of Making Schools Safe: Successfully Combating Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace;" Summer Institute Series 2011, Boston, MA; for re-licensure, satisfying credit requirments and for addressing teaching and school administration challenges; July 18-22, 2011.
Presenter, Youth & School Climate Conference, 3rd Annual New Hampshire Conference on Bullying & Safe Schools; Session Presenter,"Investigating Bullying and Harassment: Highlighting Important Things You Need to Know and Do" Session Presenter, "Protecting Students with Disabilities from Bullying and Harassment” Session Co-Presenter, "Lessons Learned on How to Implement a Collaborative, Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Address Bullying and Harassment" with
Randy Ross, Equity & Diversity Specialist, New England Equity Assistance
Center; Conference for New England Educators; Meredith, NH; June 1-2, 2011.
Presenter, Conference on Bullying, "Understanding and Preventing Bullying at Home, at School, and at Work;" sponsored by Massachusetts School of Law; Andover, MA; April 29, 2011.
Instructor, Investigations Workshop, "Skills and Strategies for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying in Schools,"sponsored by the
Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA, March 14, 2011.
Presenter, Conference Session, "Successfully Implementing the Massachusetts Anti-Bullying Law,"
with John Bynoe, Associate Commisioner, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; 2011 Visions of Community Conference, sponsored by the Federation for Children with Special Needs; Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA, March 12, 2011.
Moderator and Contributor, Conference Session, "Strategies for Transforming Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges;" 2011 Visions of Community Conference, sponsored by the Federation for Children with Special Needs; Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA; March 12, 2011.
Featured Speaker, Plenary Session, "The 10 Keys to Successful School Practices Under Bullying and Harassment Laws;" Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education (ASE) Winter Statewide Conference; "The Continued Quest: Addressing New Education Realities;" Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA; March 11, 2011.
Session Presenter, "Investigating Bullying and Harassment: Highlighting Relevant Things You Need to Know and Do," Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education (ASE) Winter Statewide Conference, "The Continued Quest: Addressing New Education Realities;" Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA; March 11, 2011.
Panel Presenter, "What's Bullying? Emerging Trends in Civil and Criminal Law--the Anti-Bullying Law;" Massachusetts Bar Association; Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section, Boston, MA; February 9, 2011.
Session Presenter, "School Safety;" National Association of Attorneys General's 2011 Civil Rights Conference; Training and Research Institute, National Association of Attorneys General; Washington D.C.; February 2, 2011.
Instructor, Investigations Workshop, "Skills and Strategies for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying in Schools;" Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; December 14, 2010.
Program Trainer, Investigations Workshop, "What School Professionals Should Know for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment in Schools and School-Related Activities;" Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Accountability and Improvement; Hamden, CT, October 18, 2010.
Workshop Presenter, "When a Student With Disabilities is Bullied or Harassed: Meeting the Legal Requirements for
Responding;" 15th Annual New England Conference on Multicultural Education (NECME), "Improving Student Achievement through Multicultural Learning: Engagement and Success for All;" Hartford Marriott, Farmington, CT; October 14, 2010.
Featured Speaker, Interactive MassPAC Webinar for MassPAC leaders; "Combating Bullying and Harassment in Schools: What PAC Leaders Should Know;" sponsored by Federation for Children with Special Needs, Boston, MA; October 12, 2010.
Featured Speaker,"Keys for Success in Combating Harassment and Bullying in Schools," Essex County School Safety Conference, Prevention Strategies and Planning: Bullying, Cyberbullying and School Violence;sponsored by Office of Essex District Attorney Jonathan W. Blodgett; Peabody, MA; September 30, 2010.
Workshop Presenter, "When a Student with Disabilities is Bullied or Harassed: Meeting the Legal Requirments for Response;" Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association's 2010 Annual Summer Institute-Professional Development Conference; North Falmouth, MA, July 28, 2010.
Workshop Presenter, "Ten Keys for Successfully Combating Bullying and Harassment;" Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association's 2010 Annual Summer Institute-Professional Development Conference; North Falmouth, MA, July 28, 2010.
Instructor, "Skills and Strategies for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying in Schools; "Pre-Conference Workshop, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association's 2010 Annual Summer Institute-Professional Development Conference; North Falmouth, MA; July 27, 2010.
Workshop Presenter, "Keys for Successfully Investigating Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace;" Regional Conference for New England Educators, "Connecting School Climate and Learning: How Schools are Preventing Bullying, Building Respect and Engaging All Students;" Co-Sponsored by Main Street Academix and New England Center for School Climate & Learning; Meredith, NH; June 29, 2010.
Workshop Presenter, "When Students With Disabilities are Bullied or Harassed: Meeting the Federal Law Requirements for Response," Regional Conference for New England Educators, "Connecting School Climate and Learning: How Schools are Preventing Bullying, Building Respect and Engaging All Students," Co-Sponsored by Main Street Academix and New England Center for School Climate & Learning, Meredith, NH, June 29, 2010.
Featured Speaker,"Keys for Success in Combating Harassment and Bullying in Schools," Prevention Strategies and Planning: Bullying, Cyberbullying, and School Violence; 8th Annual Essex County Spring Safety Conference; sponsored by Office of Essex District Attorney Jonathan W. Blodgett in collaboration with Anti-Defamation League's A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE; Peabody Marriott, Peabody MA; April 28, 2010.
Workshop Presenter, "When a Student with Disabilities is Bullied or Harassed-Meeting the Legal Requirements for Response;" Workshops Session in "Visions of Community 2010 Conference; sponsored by Federation for Children With Special Needs; Seaport/World Trade Center, Boston, MA; March 13, 2010.
Workshop Presenter, "Cyber-Abuse and Bullying and Harassment in School and in Cyberspace;" for all Students, Faculty and Staff of Eagle Hill School; Hardwick, MA; November 11, 2009.
Workshop Instructor, "What School Professionals Should Know for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment in Schools and School-Related Activities;" sponsored by the Connnecticut State Department of Education; Hamden, CT; November 9, 2009.
Workshop Presenter, "The Role of Special Education School Teams When a Student with Disabilities is Bullied or Harassed-Meeting the Legal Requirements for Response;" Second Safe Schools Summit: Addressing the Culture of School-Based Violence; sponsored by Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Earley and Anna Maria College's Molly Bish Center, Worcester, MA; September 24, 2009.
Workshop Presentations, Strategies for Successfully Addressing Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools and Cyberspace;" 15th Annual SRO-School Safety Conference, National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO); National Conference for SROs and School Administrators, Baltimore, MD; June 30, 2009.
Workshop Presenter, "Skills for Successfullly Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying," 2009 New Hampshire Conference on Bullying, sponsored by New Hampshire Department of Education and New Hampshire Panel on Bullying, Meredith, NH, June 24, 2009.
Featured Speaker, Annual School Safety Conference, "Creating a Safe School Environment: Best Practices for Addressing Bullying, Harassment, Sexting and Aggression," sponsored by Office of Essex County District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett, with Keynote Speaker Rosalind Wiseman, Topsfield, MA, April 7, 2009.
Sole Presenter, "Successfully Investigating and Responding to Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools and Cyberspace," Eleventh Annual School & Police Conference, sponsored by the Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association, Franklin, Massachusetts, November 19, 2008.
Workshop Presenter; "Skills for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Bullying and Harassment,"2008 International Bullying Prevention Conference, "New Horizons: The Latest in Bullying Prevention and Research," International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA), Indianapolis, Indiana, November 6, 2008.
Workshop Presenter, "The Role of Special Education School Teams When a Student With Disabilities is Bullied or Harassed: Meeting the Legal Requirements for Responding,"Masachusetts Administrators for Special Education--ASE 2008 Fall Conference, "A New Year, A New Beginning: What We Need to Know to Begin This Year," Marlborough, MA, October 31, 2008.
Investigations Workshop, sponsored by Connecticut State Department of Education, Rocky Hill, Conn.
Program Trainer, "What School Professionals Should Know for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment in Schools and School-Related Activities,"
sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education, Rocky Hill, Connecticut, October 30, 2008.
Special Presentation, "Promoting Safe Schools and Learning: A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools and in Cyberspace," to Governing Board (Missouri School Superintendents) and Operations Council (Missouri school administrators), University of Missouri Partnership for Educational Renewal, Columbia, Missouri, October 28, 2008.
Workshop Presenter, "Effective Strategies for Educators in Preventing Racial Isolation and Promoting Positive Race and Ethnic Relations in K-12 Schools" 13th Annual New England Conference on Multicultural Education, "Best Practices in Multicultural Education: PK-12 and Higher Education," Hartford, Connecticut, October 8, 2008.
Workshop Presenter, "Taking Action as School Porfessionals in Protecting Students from harassment and Bias-Motivated Violence" 13th Annual New England Conference on Multicultural Education, "Best Practices in Multicultural Education: PK-12 and Higher Education," Hartford, Connecticut, October 8, 2008.
Conference Presenter, "Cyberbullying: Legal Responsibilities of the School District," 2008 Cyberbullying Conference, "Recognizing and Responding to Cyberbullying," Essex County District Attorney's School Safety Conference, Danvers, Massachusetts, October 7, 2008.
Panel Presenter, "Exploring Strategies for Preventing and Responding to Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes Based on Gender and Gender Stereotyping," The 6th Annual Intern Summit, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Boston, Massachusetts, July 30, 2008.
Co-Presenter, Workshop, "Implications and Guidelines for Equity after the Supreme Court's Seattle and Louisville Decisions," 2008 National Conference, Association for Building Gender Equity Leadership in Education (AGELE), Peabody, Massachusetts, July 28, 2008.
"Special Event" Presenter, "Skills for Succcessfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment," Full-Day Program, 2008 National Conference, Association for Building Gender Equity Leadership in Education (AGELE), Peabody, Massachusetts, July 27, 2008.
Workshop Presenter, "Practical Strategies for Promoting Equity, Social Inclusion, Student Engagement and Positive Race Relations in Diverse Schools and Schools with Changing Demographics," 2008 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators Association (MSSAA), North Falmouth, Massachusetts, July 23, 2008.
Trainer, "Skills for Succcessfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment," Full-Day "Special Pre-Conference Program," 2008 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators Association (MSSAA), North Falmouth, Massachusetts, July 22, 2008.
Instructor, "Making Schools Safe: Addressing Harassment, Bullying, and Hate Crimes in Schools and Cyberspace,"
Summer Institute Series, Northeastern University School of Education, Institute for Professional Devlopment & Graduate Studies in Education, Boston, Mass., July 14-18, 2008.
Program Trainer,"What School Professionals Should Know for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment in Schools and School-Related Activities," Connecticut Title IX Investigations Program, sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Choice Programs, Hamden, Conn., April 7, 2008.
Workshop Lecturer, "Preventing Harassment, Bullying, and Hate Crimes in Schools: A Comprehensive Approach to Transforming School Climate," Lesley University Workshop Series 2007-2008, Center for Special Education, Cambridge, Mass., March 1 and 15, 2008.
Program Trainer, "Protecting Students from Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying in School Settings," Regional In-Service Training Program for staff, Special Education in Institutional Settings (SEIS), Massachusetts Department of Education, Monson, Mass., March 12, 2008.
Program Trainer,"What School Professionals Should Know for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment in Schools and School-Related Activities," Connecticut Title IX Investigations Program, sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Choice Programs, Hamden, Conn., March 3, 2008.
Trainer, "Protecting Students from Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying in School Settings,"Regional In-Service Training Program for all staff, Special Education in Institutional Settings (SEIS), Massachusetts Department of Education, Canton, Mass., February 6, 2008.
Special Program Presenter, "Promoting Integration and Positive Intergroup Relations," for staff at the New England Equity Assistance Center and the Education Alliance, Brown University, Providence, R.I., January 30, 2008.
Program Trainer, "What School Professionals Should Know for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment in Schools and School-Related Activities," Connecticut Title IX Investigations Program, sponsored by the Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Choice Programs, Hamden, Conn., January 7, 2008.
Workshop Presenter, "Successful Strategies for Promoting Safe Schools," Joint Annual Conference, Massachusetts Association of School Committees and Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, Hyannis, Mass., November 15, 2007.
Plenary Session Presenter, "Meeting the Challenge: Promoting Safe Schools and Civil Rights," Fall Conference, Massachusetts School Psychologists Association, Woburn, Mass., November 2, 2007.
Workshop Panel, "Prevention of Bullying and Public Health Risks: A Joint Responsibility of Child Psychiatrists and Schools," International Institute on Prevention of Bullying and Health Risks, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists, Boston, Mass., October 25, 2007.
Presenter, Plenary Panel, "Race-Conscious School Assignment Policies: Social Science Research," 2007 Annual Meeting, National Academy of Education, Washington D.C., October 20, 2007.
Workshop Presenter, "Promoting Integration and Positive Intergroup Relations," 12th Annual New England Conference on Multicultural Education, Best Practices in Multicultural Education: PK-12 and Higher Education, Hartford, Conn., October 11, 2007.
Guest Lecturer, "Harassment, Bullying, and Hate Crimes in Schools: What Educators Should Know," Lesley University Forum, Cambridge, Mass., September 26, 2007.
Speaker Series, "What Does Seattle Mean For Massachusetts? Perspectives On Parents Involved In Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 and Public Education In Massachusetts," Associates For Civil Rights, Boston, Mass., September 25, 2007.
Guest Lecturer, "Youth and Violence," Cambridge College’s National Institute for Teaching Excellence, Milton, Mass., July 25, 2007,
Guest Lecturer, "Youth and Violence," Cambridge College’s National Institute for Teaching Excellence: Augusta, Ga., July 20, 2007.
Presenter, Plenary Panel, "The Supreme Court Ruling on Race and Student Assignment Process for Public School Students," Massachusetts Conference, sponsored by Massachusetts Department of Education and statewide education associations, Worcester, Mass., July 17, 2007.
Presenter, Plenary Panel, "The Supreme Court Ruling on Race and Student Assignment Process for Public School Students,"Massachusetts Conference, sponsored by statewide education associations, Wheelock College, Brookline, Mass., July 10, 2007.
Workshop, "History of School Segregation and Integration in Boston and Beyond," African American History Teacher Summer Institute, African Meeting House, Boston, Mass., June 26, 2007.
Massachusetts Conference Presenter, "Conversations about Desegregation: The Intersection Between Legal Policy and Educational Practice," sponsored by statewide education associations, Wheelock College, Brookline, Mass., February 28, 2007.
Keynote Speaker, "Promoting Civil Rights in Schools: Increasing Understanding in Working With and on Behalf of Students with Disabilities;" Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education (ASE), statewide School Safety Conference, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., October 27, 2006.
Workshop Presenter, "The Role of Special Education Teams in Addressing Harassment and Bullying: Strategies and Options for Successful Outcomes," Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education, statewide School Safety Conference, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., October 27, 2006.
Plenary Presenter, "Massachusetts Safe Schools Initiative: A Comprehensive, Multidisciplinary Approach to Promoting Safe Schools," National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) 12th Annual Civil Rights Conference; Washington, D.C., September 18, 2006.
Plenary Presenter, "Civil Rights, Sexual Harassment, and
Harassment," conference sponsored by Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) and Plymouth County District Attorney, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, Mass., June 7, 2006.
Presenter, "Massachusetts Attorney General's Safe Schools Initiative and Adopting the Attorney General's Sample Civil Rights Policy," 2006 School Law Conference, "New Developments in Public School Policy, Law and Practice," Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE); Boston, Mass., May 5, 2006.
Panel Presenter, "Diverse Choices: Making School Choice Work for All Colorado Students;" The Legal Issues Surrounding (School) Choice Options;" Colorado Statewide Conference, sponsored by the University of Colorado Law School and Colorado statewide educational associations, Boulder, Col., January 23, 2006.
Workshop Presenter, "A Comprehensive Approach to Developing Safe Schools," Annual Conference, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators Association, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, July 29, 2005.
Panel Presenter, "Responses to Student Misconduct," 2005 Massachusetts School Law Conference, "New Developments in the Policy, Law and Practice Affecting Public Schools," sponsored by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), Boston, Mass., April 1, 2005.
Trainer, "Promoting Civil Rights & Protecting Students from Harassment, Bullying, & Hate Crimes," Academy of School Leadership Training Programs, Massachusetts Association of School Committees, Marlborough, Mass., March 19, 2005.
Panel Presenter "Positive Interracial Outcomes in the Classroom; Legal and Legislative Implications and Possibilities for New Research," (with Dr. Gary Orfield and attorney John Powell), Harvard University Symposium and Research Roundtable, Civil Rights Project of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., November 5, 2004.
Workshop Presenter, "Making the Case for Integrated Schools: the Case of Lynn, Massachusetts," Fund for an Open Society Conference, "Building Blocks for Inclusive Communities," in recognition of the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, Cherry Hill, N.J., October 21, 2004.
Plenary Presenter, "K-12 Integration and Education," National Affirmative Action Strategy Summit: "Promoting Equal Opportunity Post-Grutter," sponsored by National Civil Rights Conference and NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Washington, D.C., October 15, 2004.
Speaker, "Separate and Unequal: Segregation and Educational Opportunity in Metro Boston," Harvard University's School Desegregation Conference, Harvard School of Education, Cambridge, Mass., April 21, 2004.
Presenter, "Sexual Harassment and Hazing in Our Schools: Proactive Responses to An Escalating Crisis,"statewide conference sponsored by Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) and PSF Boston & Associates; Framingham, Mass., February 6, 2004.
Conference Presenter, "Educational Equity," Massachusetts Coalition for Education Equity, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass., October 21, 2003.
Workshop Presenter, "Hate Crimes in Schools and Communities," Statewide Conference; Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance, Boston, Mass., April 17, 2001.
Trainer, "Comprehensive Approach in Addressing Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools," for Atlanta Region OCR Staff, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Atlanta, Ga., February 21, 2001.
Trainer, "Implementing a Comprehensive Approach in Addressing Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools,"for New England Region OCR Staff, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Boston, Mass., January 30, 2001.
Plenary Presenter, "Special Issues Session: Education--Creating A Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program For Students in Schools," National Association of Attorneys General's 7th Annual Civil Rights Conference, Washington, D.C., May 11, 2000.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in Schools;" U.S. Regional Education Conference, Educational Development Center, Austin, Tex., May 5-6, 1999.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in Schools," United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Title IX Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass., April 26, 1999.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in Schools," U.S. Regional Education Conference, Educational Development Center, Phoenix, Ariz., September 24-25, 1998.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in Schools," U.S. Regional Education Conference, Educational Development Center, Miami, Fla., December 9-10, 1997.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in Schools," U.S. Regional Education Conference, Educational Development Center, Charleston, W. V., September 22-23, 1997.
Workshop Presenter, "Comprehensive Civil Rights Protection Program in Schools," U.S. Regional Education Conference, Educational Development Center, Chicago, Ill., July 11-12, 1997.
Workshop Presenter, "Addressing Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools," National Conference, U.S. Department of Education, Arlington, Va., May 17, 1997.
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Workshop Speaker, "Protecting Chlildren with Disabilites from Bullying and Harassment in Schools: What Parents Need to Know to Advocate for their Children," Special Education Parent Advisory Council, Groton-Dunstable Regional School District; 7:00 PM, Groton-Dunstable High School; November 13, 2012.
Workshop, Lexington Special Needs Parents Advisory Council, "Protecting Children with Disabilities from Harassment and Bullying in Schools: What Parents Need to Know to Advocate for their Children," Lexington, Mass., September 4, 2008.
Trainer, Native American Parent Education Program, "Protecting your Children from Harassment and Bullying In Schools: What Native American Parents and Community Leaders Need to Know to Advocate for their Children and Community," sponsored by New England Equity Assistance Center and Indian Education Committee, Mashpee, Mass., June 16, 2007.
Presenter, Parent Open Forum Program, "Promoting School Safety for Special Education Students," for parents and guardians of special education students in Acton-Boxborough Regional School District, Acton, Mass., March 24, 2007.
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Panel Presenter, "How to Address Hate and Hate Crimes in Our Communities," U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Fair Housing Conference, "Fostering Secure and Diverse Communities, Celebrating the 37th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act," Boston, Mass., April 4, 2005.
Workshop Presenter, "Retaliation and Intimidation Under the Fair Housing Act," 2004 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National Fair Housing Training Conference and Housing Policy Summit, Washington D.C., June 14-16, 2004.
Plenary Presenter, "It’s Against The Law: Discrimination, Harassment And Hate Crimes In Housing, Lending, Employment and Education," Immigration Symposium, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., May 31, 2001.
Trainer, "Legal Framework to Evaluate Personal Injury Claims in Housing Discrimination Cases," Massachusetts Housing Court’s Spring Educational Conference on Housing Discrimination, Judicial Institute, North Falmouth, Mass., May 15, 2001.
Plenary Presenter, "Introduction to Predatory Lending and Credit Discrimination Law: A Training for Attorneys," National Consumer Law Center, Boston, Mass., November 8, 2000.
Trainer, "Introduction To Personal Injury Damages in Housing Discrimination Cases," Massachusetts Housing Court’s Spring Educational Conference, Housing Specialists Session, Judicial Institute, Administrative Office of the Trial Court, Weston, Mass., May 19, 2000.
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Legal Panel Moderator, "Current and Emerging Individual Rights Issues Regarding Occupy Boston;" Open Meeting program, sponsored by Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section, Masssachusetts Bar Association; for MBA members;
Boston, MA; November 16, 2011.
Workshop Instructor, School & Police Workshop: “Practical Tips and Legal Rules for Investigating and Responding to Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace,”
sponsored by the Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA; November 8, 2011.
Keynote Speaker, "The Ten Keys to Successful School Practices Under Bullying and Harassment Laws," The 4th Annual Safe Schools Summit: Real Issues-Real Solutions for Keeping Kids Safe, sponsored by Worcester District Attorney Early's Office, Molly Bish Center, and Worcester Sheriff's Office; Worcester Technical High School, Worceter, MA, September 28, 2011.
Session Presenter, "Skills and Strategies for Successfully Investigating Complaints and Reports of Harassment and Bullying in Schools," The 4th Annual Safe Schools Summit: Real Issues-Real Solutions for Keeping Kids Safe, sponsored by Worcester District Attorney Early's Office, Molly Bish Center, and Worcester Sheriff's Office; Worcester Technical High School, Worceter, MA, September 28, 2011.
Featured Speaker,"Keys for Success in Combating Harassment and Bullying in Schools," Essex County School Safety Conference, Prevention Strategies and Planning: Bullying, Cyberbullying and School Violence,sponsored by Office of Essex District Attorney Jonathan W. Blodgett; Peabody MA, September 30, 2010.
Featured Speaker,"Keys for Success in Combating Harassment and Bullying in Schools," Prevention Strategies and Planning: Bullying, Cyberbullying, and School Violence,8th Annual Essex County Spring Safety Conference, sponsored by Office of Essex District Attorney Jonathan W. Blodgett in collaboration with Anti-Defamation League's A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE; Peabody Marriott, Peabody MA, April 28, 2010.
Workshop Presentations, "The Second Safe Schools Summit: Addressing the Culture of School-Based Violence," "The Role of Special Education School Teams When a Student with Disabilities is Bullied or Harassed-Meeting the Legal Requirements for Response," sponsored by Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Earley and Anna Maria College's Molly Bish Center, Worcester, MA, September 24, 2009.
Workshops Presenter, "Strategies for Successfully Addressing Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools and Cyberspace;" 15th Annual SRO-School Safety Conference, National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO); National Conference for SROs and School Administrators, Baltimore, MD; June 30, 2009.
Featured Speaker,"Creating a Safe School Environment: Best Practices for Addressing Bullying, Harassment, Sexting and Aggression;" Annual School Safety Conference sponsored by Office of Essex County District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett, with Keynote Speaker Rosalind Wiseman; Topsfield, MA; April 7, 2009.
Sole Presenter, "Successfully Investigating and Responding to Bullying, Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools and Cyberspace," Eleventh Annual School & Police Conference, sponsored by the Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association, Franklin, Massachusetts, November 19, 2008.
General Session and Workshop Presenter, "Legal Issues, Law Enforcement and Schools," Third Annual School Safety Conference, sponsored by National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) and Massachusetts Juvenile Police Officers’ Association (MJPOA), Leominster, Mass., April 2, 2008.
Plenary Presenter, "Civil Rights and Hate Crimes and Schools," Specialist Seminar for the Massachusetts Youth Officer, two-day regional program, sponsored by the Massachusetts Juvenile Police Officers’ Association (MJPOA), Plymouth, Mass., February 28, 2008.
Plenary Presenter, "Civil Rights and Hate Crimes and Schools," Specialist Seminar for the Massachusetts Youth Officer, two-day regional program, sponsored by the Massachusetts Juvenile Police Officers’ Association (MJPOA), Medford, Mass., December 5, 2007.
Panel Presenter: "Hate Crimes, Domestic Terrorism and the Constitution," Bridgewater State College Criminal Justice Program, Bridgewater, Mass., April 12, 2004.
Trainer, "Hate Crime Enforcement Following 9-11," for Designated Civil Rights Officers from Massachusetts Police Departments, Norwood, Mass., April 24, 2002.
Trainer, "Police Manager Hate Crime Training," Waltham, Mass., April 16, 2002.
Presenter, "Introduction to Hate Crimes in Schools and Communities," Conference, Harvard Civil Rights Project, Longfellow Hall, Cambridge, Mass., June 14, 2001.
Panel Presenter, "Racial Profiling Practices and Solutions," Conference, Massachusetts Minority Police Officer Association, Randolph, Mass., February 23, 2001.
Trainer, "Introductory Training on Hate Crimes," State Police Investigators, Division of Investigative Services, Massachusetts State Police, Natick, Mass., September 14, 2000.
Plenary Presenter, "Overview of Racial Profiling Litigation and Legislation in the United States," Attorney General Sponsored Forum on Racial Profiling for Massachusetts Law Enforcement Leaders, Boston, Mass., June 27, 2000.
Panel Facilitator and Participant, "The Use of Racial Profiling by Law Enforcement," National Association of Attorneys General's 7th Annual Civil Rights Conference, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2000.
Panel Presenter, "Racial Profiling Practices and Solutions," Conference, Massachusetts Minority Police Officer Association, Randolph, Mass., March, 24, 2000.
Plenary Presenter, "Hate Crimes in Colleges and Universities," Statewide Conference, Association of College and University Public Safety Departments, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass., March 14, 2000.
Workshop Presenter, "Actions Steps for Effective Hate Crime Prevention and for Enhancing Police-Community Partnerships," Hate Crime Prevention and Community Policing Session, Annual Conference, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Charlotte, N. C., October 31, 1999.
Plenary Presenter, "Hate on the Internet-Its Impact on Schools and Communities," National Association of Attorneys General's 6th Annual Civil Rights Conference, Washington, D.C.,
June 10, 1999.
National Trainer, "United States Department of Justice Hate Crimes Train-the Trainer Program," training law enforcement and community advocate training teams from southern states on "U. S. Department of Justice’s Hate Crime Training Modules for State and Local Law Enforcement in the United States," Orlando, Fla., October 8-9, 1998.
National Trainer, "United States Department of Justice Hate Crimes Train-the Trainer Program," training law enforcement and community advocate training teams from southwestern and western states on "U. S. Department of Justice’s Hate Crime Training Modules for State and Local Law Enforcement in the United States," Phoenix, Ariz., September 24-25, 1998.
Participant, "White House Conference on Hate Crimes,"White House, Washington, D.C., November 10, 1997.
Plenary Presenter, "Addressing Harassment and Hate Crimes in Schools," National Association of Attorneys General's 4th Annual Civil Rights Conference, Washington, D.C., May 12, 1997.
Plenary Presenter, "Hate Crimes and Sexual Harassment on Campus," Conference, Massachusetts Campus Police Association, Worcester, Mass., February 25, 1997.
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