I provide educators, schools, and school districts with high quality advice, guidance, and training, and investigative, policy development, and technical assistance to assess and address bullying and harassment (based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability) in schools and in cyberspace. Among my services are the following:
- Applying a practical, step-by-step comprehensive approach for preventing and addressing bullying, harassment, and hate crimes.
I assist school districts in adopting and implementing comprehensive anti-harassment, anti-bullying civil rights policies and modifying, as necessary, its reporting, complaint response, record-keeping, and investigatory protocols; adopting new incident-tracking systems to help identify patterns and trends, repeat offenders, and problem sites; conducting a wide range of leadership and staff training; implementing new policy-management and oversight systems; adopting new prevention-based strategies and prevention programs and curricula; and increasing community resources and support.
- Adopting and implementing comprehensive anti-harassment, anti-bullying policies.
- Developing and maintaining a centralized bullying and harassment database, with an effective incident tracking and analysis system.
- Implementing effective investigative protocols.
- Providing tips and tactics for recognizing and taking action when harassment, bullying, and hate crimes occur in schools or school-related activities.
- Applying effective strategies for addressing harassment and bullying when students with disabilities are victims or perpetrators.
- Assisting administrators in investigating bullying and harassment involving race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.
- Offering training on how to investigate reports and complaints of harassment, bullying, and hate crimes in schools and in cyberspace, weigh evidence, and make investigative determinations.
I deliver a highly praised, interactive investigation training program designed to help educators learn the legal requirements and practical skills for effectively investigating and making determinations in response to reports or complaints of harassment and bullying in schools and in cyberspace. This unique day-long training program includes an interactive lecture and demonstrations, interviewing of “witnesses,” fact finding, and preparation of an investigative report, based on a school-related case scenario. Workshops and Programs: Education
