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Cole Workshops & Programs

Attorney Richard Cole is speaking at the following workshops and programs. You are invited to register and participate.

Upcoming Workshops & Programs


2024-2025 School Year

Providing professional development and training to build skills and apply strategies for school and district leaders, faculty, staff, parents, students and school resource officers to promote a positive school climate and culture, build positive race relations, protect disability rights, address sexual assaults, and prevent and respond to bullying, cyberbullying and discriminatory harassment based on race, color, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability and religion.


Keynote Address and Training Workshop: "Building a Safe, Welcoming and Equitable School Community that Promotes Student Leadership, Engagement and "Learning;" 2023 Berkshire Countywide Professional Development Day; November 7, 2023; Lenox Memorial Middle and High School, Lenox, MA.


Equal Justice

     No programs at this time.

First Amendment

      No programs at this time.


Law Enforcement

     No programs at this time.


      No programs at this time


Examples of Prior Workshops & Programs

(See more complete list in "Archives")                                (Examples do not include Workshops & Programs for individual schools and school districts.)

Equal Justice

November 29, 2016

Plenary Session Presenter for MA State Court Judges, Court Magistrates and Clerks, "Implicit Bias and Unconscious Stereotypes: Barriers to Equal Justice, Real and Perceived," Joint Fall Conference of the Housing and Land Court Departments of the MA Trial Court; Trial Court Learning Center, Worcester, MA.


First Amendment


March 16 & 18, 2021

Workshop Instructor, "Students' First Amendment and State Law Rights to Free Speech, Protest and Assembly,"

TWO-PART, VIRTUAL, iNTERACTIVE WORKSHOP; 10AM-12:15PM each day; Massachusetts School Administrators' Association, Workshop cancelled.


July 24, 2019

Session Presenter: "A Brief Primer on Students' First Amendment and Speech Rights in the Current Political Climate," Conference Session, 2019 Summer Institute,

Massachusetts School Administrators' Association, Hyannis, MA


November 6, 2018

Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate," Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.


April 26, 2018

Presenter: "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in the Current Political Climate;" New England Regional Conference: Emerging Best Practices: Preventing and Addressing Bias-Based Incidents in Schools; conference sponsored by the Boston Public Schools; Boston/Dedham Hilton. 

July 25, 2017

Workshop Instructor, "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in Schools in the Current Political Climate," Pre-Conference Workshop, 2017 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.




November 6, 2019

Workshop Instructor, "Effectively Investigating Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying," Massachusetts School Adminstrators' Association; Franklin, MA.


March 29, 2018

Workshop Instructor, "Investigating Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying; Meeting the Challenge of Disciplinary Hearings and Processes," Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.

July 26, 2016

Workshop Insrructor, 2016 MSSAA Summer Institute,

"Investigating Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying; Meeting the Challenge of Disciplinary Hearings and Processes," Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.


Sexual Assault Allegations in Schools


September 24, 2015

Program Chair and Presenter, Addressing Sexual Assault Allegations in K-12 Schools, Colleges and Universities," sponsored by Massachusetts Bar Association and Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts; North Adams, MA.

December 10, 2014

Program Chair, "Addressing Sexual Assault Allegations in K-12 Schools, Colleges and Universities: What's Legally Required, Key Challenges; Best Practices;" sponsored by Massachusetts Bar Association, Boston, MA.





February 4, 8 & 9, 2021

Workshop Instructor, "Ensuring Equity and Building Inclusive and Welcoming Schools for Students from All Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds." THREE-PART, VIRTUAL, iNTERACTIVE WORKSHOP; 10AM-12:15PM each day; Massachusetts School Administrators' Association.       Workshop cancelled.


August 6, 10, 11, 2020

Workshop Instructor, "Building Positive Race and Ethnic Relations in the Current Political Climate," NEW ON-LINE iNTERACTIVE WORKSHOP; 10 AM to 12 PM each day; Massachusetts School Administrators' Association.


February 24, 2020

Workshop Instructor, "Building Positive Race and Ethnic Relations in the Current Political Climate," Massachusetts School Adminstrators' Association; Franklin, MA.


July 23, 2019

Workshop Instructor, "Assessing Your School's Capacity for Successfully Building a Safe, Inclusive and Equitable School Community with Empowered Adult and Student Leadership,"  Pre-Conference Workshop, 2019 Summer Institute, Massachusetts School Adminstrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.


March 13, 2019

Workshop Instructor, "The Role of Social Media in K-12 Schools; Responding to Cyberbullying and Cyber-Harassment,"  Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.


October 4, 2018

Workshop Instructor, "Legally Perilous Practices to Addressing Bullying, Bias-Based Harassment and First Amendment Rights," Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.

July 25, 2018

Session Presenter, "Promoting Student Leadership to Combat Bias and Hate in Schools," Conference Session, 2018 Summer Institute, Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.

July 24, 2018

Workshop Instructor, "Legally Perilous Practices in Addressing Bullying, Bias-Based Harassment and Students' First Amendment Rights," Pre-Conference Workshop, 2018 Summer Institute, Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.           

April 25-26, 2018

*Co-Presenter: "Bias-Based Bullying: What You Need to Know Under State and Federal Law"                         *Presenter: "Addressing First Amendment and Civil Rights Challenges in the Current Political Climate"            Co-Presenter: "Cultivating an Inclusive School Climate"    New England Regional Conference: Emerging Best Practices: Preventing and Addressing Bias-Based Incidents in Schools;" conference sponsored by the Boston Public Schools; Boston/Dedham Hilton. 

January 11, 2018

Program Moderator, "Addressing Identity-Based Harassment in K-12 Schools;"  interactive panel of expert practitioners; sponsored by Civil Rights and Social Justice Section Council, Massachusetts Bar Assocation, Boston, MA.


December 5, 2017

Workshop Instructor, "Building Positive Race and Ethnic Relations in Diverse Schools and Schools with Changing Demographics," Massachusetts School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.

October 22-24, 2017

Participant, Exploratory Seminar, "From Social Science          to a New Legal Strategy for K-12 Integration," for select attorneys and social scientists from throughout the U.S. to develop new ideas and scholarly research on K-12 school integration; Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Academic Ventures Program; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

July 26, 2017

Session Presenter, "Promoting Student Leadership to Combat Bias and Hate in Schools," Conference Session, 2017 Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.

March 9, 2017

Workshop Instructor,“Effective Response and Remedies to Bullying and Discriminatory Harassment; Addressing Disciplinary Hearing Challenges,” Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.

October 18, 2016

Workshop Instructor, "Building Positive Race and Ethnic Relations in Diverse Schools and Schools with Changing Demographics,” Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.

July 27, 2016

Session Presenter,“Legally Perilous Practices to Avoid When Addressing Discriminatory Harassment and Bullying,” 2016 MSSAA Summer Institute, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.

December 8, 2015

Workshop Instructor, "The Role of Special Education Teams and Schools When a Student with Disabilities is a Victim or Perpetrator of Bullying or Harassment; Meeting the Legal Requirements for Responding," MA Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.

July 29, 2015

Workshop Instructor, "Complying With Federal Civil Rights Laws When Applying Student Disciplinary Procedures Under DESE's Disciplinary Regulations Under Chapter 222," Summer Institute 2015, Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators' Association; Hyannis, MA.

October 25, 2013

Presenter, "Creating an Effective System for Triaging Disciplinary Referrals and Incident Reports for Bullying and Discriminatory Harassment that Meets Legal Requirements," sponsored by Massachusetts Bar Association and School Climate Consulting, LLC; Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.

July 24, 2013

Presenter, 2013 Summer Institute Workshop, “Ten Keys for Success in Preventing Bullying and Harassment and in Promoting a Positive School Climate,” Annual Massachusetts statewide Conference, Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Falmouth, MA.

November 17, 2011

Co-presenter, National Teleconference on “Effective Racial Harassment Remedies,” for National and Regional Offices of Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, and its 'National Racial Harassment Network.' On 12/13/11, OCR presented Cole with "Certificate of Appreciation" for his civil rights presentations to OCR attorneys and investigators on 5/19/11 and 11/17/11.

July 18-22, 2011

Instructor for Education Course, Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies, "Meeting the Challenge of Making Schools Safe: Successfully Combating Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace," Summer Institute Series 2011, for re-licensure and satisfying credit requirments; Boston, MA.

February 2, 2011

Session Presenter, "School Safety," National Association of Attorneys General's 2011 Civil Rights Conference, Training and Research Institute, National Association of Attorneys General; Washington D.C.


Mental Health, Youth, and Education

March 12, 2011

Moderator and Presenter, Conference Session, "Strategies for Transforming Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges,"  2011 Visions of Community Conference, sponsored by the Federation for Children with Special Needs; Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA.



July 26, 2012

Presenter; Mandatory Clinic for Pop Warner Football Coaches, "Identifying and Addressing Bullying and Harassment in Pop Warner Football," Hockomock Pop Warner Football League; Taunton, MA.



April 29, 2011

Presenter, Conference on Bullying, "Understanding and Preventing Bullying at Home, at School, and at Work," sponsored by Massachusetts School of Law; Andover, MA.


Law Enforcement

November 8, 2011

Workshop Instructor, School & Police Workshop: “Practical Tips and Legal Rules for Investigating and Responding to Bullying and Harassment in Schools and Cyberspace,"

Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators' Association; Franklin, MA.

September 28, 2011

Keynote Speaker, "The Ten Keys to Successful School Practices Under Bullying and Harassment Laws,"  4th Annual Safe Schools Summit: Real Issues-Real Solutions for Keeping Kids Safe, sponsored by Worcester District Attorney Early's Office, the Molly Bish Center, and the Worcester Sheriff's Office; Worcester Technical High School, Worcester, MA.



November 13, 2012

Speaker, "Protecting Children with Disabilities from Bullying and Harassment in Schools: What Parents Need to Know to Advocate for their Children," Special Education Parent Advisory Council, Groton-Dunstable Regional School District; Groton-Dunstable High School, Groton, MA.


Workshops & Programs

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